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Whether this is the first time you're sending a student to college or the fifth, it can feel overwhelming to learn the ins and outs of a new University setting. 我们已经 compiled a list of common Saint Louis University resources, as well as some books and websites that will help you support your 博彩网址大全 student's experience like a pro.



Our Office of Parent and Family Engagement offers regular 脸谱网 Live presentations 设有校园内的多个办公室和部门. 这些一小时的网络研讨会允许 families to hear directly from the staff members who work most closely with your students, from arranging their academic scholarships to ensuring they are safe and healthy.

博彩网址大全的独家新闻是什么? 在线研讨会


College Ready 2023(免费下载)

父母 and families, we are pleased to provide you a complimentary copy of College Ready 2023: Expert Advice for 父母 to Simplify the College Transition. 下载 你的副本, 请浏览本网站 结帐时输入优惠码: Billiken23 

The book provides practical guidance on what should be done during the summer, during 整个学年都是这样. 章节解决了最重要的问题,包括 packing, money, staying connected, promoting responsible independence and supporting 学术成就.

Checklists are included so you don’t forget anything and don’t do things you shouldn’t! And the book is full of ideas on how to start those tough, but very much needed, conversations.  

Each chapter of College Ready 2023 is written by a university official, who works with families to enhance student success at the collegiate level.


父母 and families, we are pleased to provide you a complimentary copy of College 准备2023. 请下载您的副本 访问本网站 结帐时输入促销码:Billiken23

This book aims to help you navigate your student’s sophomore year, including the challenges 以及它将带来的快乐.

The “sophomore slump” concept is not new or unfamiliar to most people. 学生在 their second year of college are often let down as they don’t receive the same fanfare they did the year before, classes get harder, what they thought were solid friendships 开始转变. Sophomores can struggle, but what about the parents, family members, 以及这些学生的支持者? You may find your sophomore questioning things they have always been so certain of and maybe even asking you questions you don’t know 如何回答?. This might be something big, like wanting to change from a pre-med major to visual arts, or something minor, like joining the rock-climbing club when 他们一直表现出恐高症. 


  • Chapters written by professionals in family engagement, mental health, study abroad, 职业服务,以及第二年的工作经验.
  • Expert-written content that will help you as a college parent to guide your student on their journey with information, resources, conversation starters.
  • Helpful tips on how to best support your college sophomore student for success with dorm life, time management, setting goals, other college essentials.

家庭 may have many experiences to contribute, this book will provide perspective 无论你对每个话题的了解程度如何,都需要指导. 

Don't Tell Me What To Do, Just Send Money: The Essential Parenting Guide to the College 年 

Don't Tell Me What To Do, Just Send Money: The Essential Parenting Guide to the College 年 

海伦·E. 约翰逊和克里斯汀·舍尔哈斯-米勒

When children leave for college, many parents feel uncertain about their shifting 角色. By emphasizing the importance of mentoring your college student, "Don't Tell Me What To Do, Just Send Money" shows parents how to influence their college students 同时支持他们的独立.

Emptying the Nest: Launching Your Young Adult Toward Success and Self-reliance 

Emptying the Nest: Launching Your Young Adult Toward Success and Self-reliance 


In today’s rapidly changing world and challenging economy, young adults increasingly find themselves at a crossroads between financial and emotional dependence and autonomy. 借鉴博士. Sachs' extensive clinical experience and his illuminating discussion of the latest psychological research, Emptying the Nest will support parents in cultivating their young adult’s success and self-reliance while maintaining healthy family relationships.

Graduate to a Great Job: Make Your College Degree Pay off in Today's Market 

Graduate to a Great Job: Make Your College Degree Pay off in Today's Market 


Only about 50% of today’s college graduates work in jobs requiring a college degree. How do you make sure your college investment pays off? 你能想象一个伟大的着陆吗 大学毕业后的工作? To succeed in today’s tough job market you must know what works—and 什么不.



CollegiateParent.com is passionate about education and helping parents and their students 在大学里茁壮成长. In everything we do, we aim to support the parent/student relationship and deepen the connection between families and the university’s community and resources.



美国大学家长’s mission is to promote greater student achievement while 建议家长如何最好地帮助他们的学生.