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Saint 路易 University's 社会行动中心 offers numerous signature programs throughout the year for 博彩网址大全 students, faculty and staff to become more meaningfully 参与社区活动.


你的团队用1800美元能对社区产生什么影响? 1818社区 Engagement Grant Program celebrates the over 200-year history of 博彩网址大全 giving back to 圣. 路易社区. 获选的申请人可获十八笔各1,800元的资助 to make a positive impact in the community in partnership with a local nonprofit 组织. 1818社区参与资助计划由 Lux Living of St. 路易.


2023-2024年周期的获奖者已经选定! 单击下面的项目列表.  为 information on the 1818社区参与资助计划, contact Aubra Ladd 与社会行动中心合作 aubra.ladd@liuyang1999.com



  • 团体必须完成申请并提交项目预算和时间表.
  • All groups must have at least one community partner as a co-applicant and include 博彩网址大全学生的主动性.
  • Grants must either be used to start a new community engagement program or significantly 改进现有的一个.
  • 所有项目必须不迟于2024年5月31日完成. 所有的资金都必须使用 到那时.
  • All recipients will present a poster on their project at the 1818 Community Engagement 赠款展示会将于5月2日在全球公民中心举行. 



Click the link below to see the impact that previous years' grants have had during 前五年.

1818资助- 5年影响(PDF)


的 grant program welcomes applications from students, as well as faculty and staff. 为 groups of faculty or staff, it is highly recommended that students be involved 在某种程度上和这个项目有关.


While the grant lead must be a 博彩网址大全 student, faculty or staff member, it is a requirement 一个非营利组织也将成为该基金的合作伙伴.

我们小组已经有了一个社区参与项目. 我们可以申请资金投放吗 朝着我们已经存在的倡议?

是的, as long as it can demonstrably show a significant potential improvement in your 集团的社区参与计划.

如果我们的团队没有花光所有的钱呢? 这些资金将来可以使用吗?

不行,所有的资金必须在2024年5月31日前花完. 未使用的资金将退还给 main 1818 Community Engagement Grant program and distributed the following year.

Does the project need to be ongoing, 或者我们可以申请一天的服务?

While we encourage groups to think long-term about their potential projects, groups 是否可以申请资金创建一次性或短期项目.

If we receive a grant for this year but want to continue the program beyond, can we 获得额外资助?

是的! 今年获得资助的团体将被鼓励再次申请 cycles to build on their first year and will be given preference if a high degree 的影响可以在第一年得到证明.

Can we donate the money we receive from the grant directly to our partner community 组织?

所有的资金都必须花在材料、服务等方面. 没有资金可以直接到 社区组织.

我的小组在提出拨款提案方面遇到了麻烦. 你能举几个例子吗 潜在的社区参与项目?

Groups are encouraged to think about the 社区组织 or issue they want to impact, then approach them to collaboratively develop an idea for a grant proposal.


  • 在当地学校或社区中心建一个操场
  •  为青少年实施课后或周末STEM项目
  • 举办冬假或春假服务/沉浸式旅行
  • 与当地组织合作举办健康博览会
  •  创建可持续的减少饥饿项目
  • Organizing an advocacy campaign related to a particular social justice issue or congressional 比尔

的 社会行动中心 staff is also available to consult on a variety of ideas 以及潜在的社区伙伴.


An easy way to learn about how you can make a difference in the community, both as a student and as an alum, is to attend our Community Service and 服务年展览会s. You will be able to meet staff from dozens of groups to learn about their work and 如何参与.


Held each fall as part of Fall Welcome, this event brings 60+ non-profit 组织s from across 该地区 to campus to advertise service opportunities to our students.  


In November, representatives from 25 组织s offering post-graduate service 校园里有机会宣传他们的项目. 博彩网址大全的大三和大四学生 are especially invited to explore the possibility of doing one or two years of service 毕业后,无论是在圣. 路易斯,在全国或世界各地. Each year, nearly 75 members of the graduating class go on to participate in at least 工作一年.



比利肯教师团 at Saint 路易 University forms the next generation of Catholic school educators 通过社区服务、学习和精神成长. 这个节目是独一无二的 opportunity for faith-driven college graduates to have a transformative impact in 伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德和圣. 路易. 

BTC研究员活在耶稣会的使命中,为他人和与他人一起成为男人和女人. 为 two years, the members live in an intentional faith community while teaching full time and earning their Master of Arts in Teaching degree with full tuition remission. Members also earn a Missouri teaching certificate via the alternative route if they 尚未获得认证.


耶稣会义工团 engages brave leaders in life-changing service, living and accompanying those in 我们需要建设一个更加公正和充满希望的世界. 也可以做一到两年的志愿者 国内或国际. 与其他JVC志愿者一起生活在社区中. 房间里, 提供伙食、医疗保险和每月津贴.


与耶稣会志愿者团类似, JVC-Northwest takes place specifically in the northwest region of the country, including Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, with both rural and urban experiences offered.


美国志愿队 works with local and national partners to tap the power of the American people to 解决我们国家最紧迫的挑战. 国内志愿者一年. Live individually and receive a modest living allowance and an educational award. 


在60多个国家, 和平队 Volunteers are putting their purpose, passion, skills to work in partnership 欢迎当地社区. 做了两年的国际志愿者. 房间,董事会, 提供健康保险和每月津贴. 


为美国而教 works toward the day when every child will receive an excellent and equitable education. 在一所急需帮助的公立学校做两年的志愿者. 工资和健康保险 ,以及完成服务后的教育奖励.


由中南耶稣会主办, 明矾服务队 volunteers commit to a year of service teaching in a Jesuit middle or high school 在丹佛,堪萨斯城或圣. 路易. 该项目提供静修、住宿和健康服务 insurance, a stipend, a community car and close ties to the school's Jesuit community.


70多年来 Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) has provided a loving home to orphaned, abandoned, at-risk children in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Bolivia, Peru, the Dominican 共和国和海地. NPH USA筛选,放置和支持U.S. 志愿者(21岁或以上) 谁在我们其中一个家庭服务一年或更长时间. 食宿,健康保险,还有 每月提供少量津贴.

为 information on these or other programs, contact Bobby Wassel at 314-977-2041.

Two 博彩网址大全 students kneel next to a gardening plot, wearing gloves, headscarves and digging in the dirt.

Every year, members of the 博彩网址大全 community participate in service projects throughout 该地区.